1. Project introduction:

TEM has a much higher resolution than light microscopy, where an electron beam passes through an ultrathin sample and is projected onto a TEM imaging detector. It includes two imaging modes, TEM (projection) and STEM (electron beam scanning), which can analyze the fine structure, atomic arrangement, chemical properties, crystal orientation, etc. of substances.

2. Application advantages:

200kV electron source, resolution 0.1nm, magnification 150X-230MX, Dual-EDX probe high resolution, can achieve high-resolution STEM imaging, EDX quantification more accurate. Meet the needs of single transistor imaging, accurate measurement of film thickness, OLED organic matter imaging & distribution, and equipment qualification.

3. Other services:

(1) For silicon-based/glass-based samples, FIB preparation, In-situ preparation, and Ex-situ preparation, sample plane PV+ section XS can be realized, and different size analysis can be realized; Meet single transistor preparation, specified failure position preparation, arbitrary position preparation, ultra-thin < 30nm sample preparation. (2) For the preparation of GaNGaAsInp samples, FIB preparation, In-situ preparation and Ex-situ preparation, the sample plane PV+ section XS and different size analysis are realized; the specified failure position preparation, arbitrary position preparation, ultra-thin < 30nm sample preparation, and ultra-large > 30nm sample preparation are realized.