Failure Analysis
Semiconductor device failure analysis is to determine the form of device failure (failure mode), analyze the physical and chemical processes (failure mechanism) that cause device failure (failure mechanism), find the cause of device failure, and formulate corrective and improvement measures through various tests and physical, chemical and metallographic tests on failed devices.
The general procedures of failure analysis include: collecting failure site data, electrical measurement to determine failure modes, scheme design, non-destructive analysis, opening the package, microscopic inspection, energizing the excitation chip, failure location, physical and chemical analysis of the failure site, comprehensive analysis to determine the cause of failure, and propose corrective measures. The function of failure analysis is to locate the failure point for abnormal chips (signal detection errors), and judge the mechanism of chip failure based on the original design of the chip. Failure analysis requires comprehensive knowledge, including electronics, processes, structures, materials, physicochemistry and many other aspects.
Ⅰ.everal failure modes of PCB:
Virtual soldering
Mechanical damage
Moist stress
Burst board
Media corrosion
Fatigue injury
CAF or ion migration
Stress overload
Ⅱ. PCB failure analysis uses equipment
Optical Microscope
Infrared microscope FTIR
Slice Cross section
Thermal stress
Peel strength
Stretch the tensile test
Withstand voltage Hi-pot
Insulation resistance
Conductivity Omega meter
Ionic Chromatography
X-fluorescent surface thickness XRF/thickness
Dye & pry
SEM/EDX spectroscopy of SEM/EDX
Shear/Pull test
Thermomechanical/differential scanning analysis TMA/DSC(Tg, CTE, TD, cure factor)
Thermogravimetric analysis TGA(Td, moisture content)
Strain measurement (Heat sink process simulation)
Impedance TDR
Water drop test Water drop test
Ultrasound scan SAT
Kaifeng De-cap
Electrical test LCR
Ⅲ. PCB failure analysis technology
X-ray (X-ray)
3D X-ray (CT X-ray)
TDR (Time Domain Reflectometer)
Slice analysis
Ion section analysis
PCB slicing
Scanning acoustic microscope SAT
Infrared microscope Micro-FTIR
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
Scanning electron microscopy and spectroscopy analysis SEM-EDX
Photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS/ESCA)
Differential scanning calorimetry analysis DSC
Thermomechanical Analysis TMA
Thermogravimetric analysis TGA
Solder joint analysis
Solder joint mechanical test
Thermal stress
Solderability testing Solderability
Tensile testing Tensile
Surface topography analysis